Sunday, November 3, 2013

More from September

So I guess it wasn't just October I was missing pictures from, so here is the other half of pictures from September.
 Just a random picture of my favorite guy actually getting some floor time. It is dangerous to leave him on the floor for too long! And for some reason, all of my kids sleep this way with their arms up over their heads.
 Amy and Sam playing airplane one day with an on-board medic :)
 In September is when Amy, Mark, and I flew to Arizona for a couple of days to join the other sisters and sister-in-law who came home for a visit. It was a pleasant, short trip! These are the older kids who came: Amy, Holly, Cayden, and Luke.
 Amy and Holly are only a few months apart in age and had so much fun playing together!
 On the way back to the airport they both sacked out, but Amy was sure to comfort her brother :)
 I loved this random pic from this month where he is totally asleep, but keeping his binky in his mouth for himself
 This is Julie and her youngest, Katie. This girl LOVES Mark - it is so adorable to watch!! Especially when she yells to "hold" Mark
 In the adorable Cabela's outfit Aunt Candace bought for Sam when he was the same age
 Mark is my super happy guy. This is him hanging out on the floor while we were waiting to fly to Arizona.
 I was so especially excited to meet this new little guy, Landon. He is about 10 weeks younger than Mark and was the last grandson born this summer. The things on his ears (because I know you are going to ask) are to help shape his ears (apparently they were quite misshapen when he was born). He ended up wearing them for a solid month and a half, but now has perfect little ears!
 Robert's mom making a massive amount of the tradition Skousen gooey rolls for the RS broadcast
 The girls of the family: Sister Kayla, Sister Shanna, Mother Trixie, Sister Lisa, Sister-in-Law Stacey, and Sister-in-Law Me
The three grandsons born this summer going from youngest to oldest. They were nicknamed Sleepy, Grumpy, and Happy :)

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